Monday, January 21, 2008

"I have a dream"

It's easy in our day of age, to forget about Martin. Our generation seems to take racial equality for granted. It doesn't seem like such a big deal now that everything has changed. It's pretty easy to assume that he was popular and everyone liked him and everyone totally agreed with what he said.
Those things however were not true. It's not often you'll find someone who doesn't care about what the world thinks and is willing to take a stand for what they believe in. Martin found it hard to find many people that agreed with him. He was arrested numerous times, people threatened to blow up his house, riots often stormed outside his house, and he was eventually assassinated. He was the opposite of popular. He did all that just to do what was right.
This kind of reminds me of a man named Paul (a.k.a. Saul). God gave him a second chance and he started spreading the gospel. He too stopped caring what other people thought. He was beaten and tortured and thrown in Jail for doing what's right even though everyone else was else was doing wrong.
Right before Martin's death, Martin started working on things like poverty and arguments between countries. He never really got a chance to finish the job. Right now the poverty level is extremely high and even at this moment people all over the world are fighting just because they're from different backgrounds. I guess that's kind of where we need to pick up.


Mellimaus said...

Very philisophical thoughts....I'm thinking the same thing, although I didn't think of Saul...I wonder if I ever heard of him before this....Have a nice day off! Martin did help our world a lot, even if there are some loose strings to tie up......

Rawhide and Alli said...

Very nice Allen

worminator said...

You are getting me thinking, AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gudl said...

Very good thoughts.
Food for thoughts I mean.

junglemama said...

Thanks for putting things in perspective. MLK was a great man.

Priscilla said...

Nice essay, Allen!!

Rachel said...

Very nice, Allan!

Anonymous said...

Mom, that's a-l-l-e-n.