One of my pet peaves is when my sister runs around with a broom and my other sister testing all of the fire alarms and screeming once they go off. I'm not sure why they find so much Joy in this but it certinatly drives me crazy.
Hi Allen, I love your blog! You are so inquistive for such a young man! I do not have a "Blogger" but I got a webiste.. Its password protected and if you email me I'll share my family happenings with ya.. What part of NY are in in? I live on Long Island, NY.. Talk to ya soon!
Those are fire alarms...
I was going to say that.
Whooopa my bad. I meant fire alarms.
I'd just like say that I can picture little sisters setting of smoke alarms and finding it quite amusing that it bothers their older brother.
How did we post all thos at the same time?
hey, that is close to my pet peave
I can't let my daughters read this or elase they might get ideas!
Arghhh! Word verification!
Sorry, I turned off the wrong thing last night.
Yeah, that would be annoying. I'm sure they're trying to get a rise out of you.
Haha...well, you are supposed to check it every, like, 6 months or brother would be proud of your sisters. (He's a firefighter, LOL!)
Hi Allen, I love your blog! You are so inquistive for such a young man! I do not have a "Blogger" but I got a webiste.. Its password protected and if you email me I'll share my family happenings with ya.. What part of NY are in in? I live on Long Island, NY.. Talk to ya soon!
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